
Showing posts from January, 2021


Sailing is a concept with multiple uses. It may be the object that has a wick inside, covered with a solid type fuel (such as paraffin or wax ). The candles are lit to provide luminosity. For example: "The power went out and I can't find the candles!" , "The fire occurred because the woman left her house and left a lit candle that fell on a table with a tablecloth" , "Tonight we will have a romantic dinner, by candlelight . " Although candles are used primarily to give a touch of intimacy and romanticism to a date, we cannot ignore that they are also widely used in magic rituals. Specifically, these are used one or the other depending on their color, since each one is associated with an element or objective: -White candles represent femininity, symbolize purity and serve to increase what is the strength of the spirit . -The yellow of these elements is associated with power, money and work. -Red candles, on the other hand, are associated with...


Latin is the language from which the term bladder comes, etymologically speaking, which we are now going to analyze in depth. In this sense, we can say that it emanates from the word vesica , which in turn is based on a root of Indo-European origin. The bladder is the organ that receives urine from the ureters and expels it out of the body through the urethra. This muscular and membranous organ is part of the urinary system of all mammals and acts as a kind of bag to store the urine produced by the kidneys. The normal physiological capacity of the bladder ranges from 300 to 350 cubic centimeters. From this amount, the desire to urinate arises. When there is retention of urine , the capacity can increase to about 3 liters while, in cases of cystitis , it barely reaches 50 cubic centimeters. The bladder wall is made up of three layers: the serous layer (formed by the parietal peritoneum), the muscular layer (with a smooth muscle that contracts during the expulsion of ur...


The first thing that we are going to do before entering fully into the analysis of the word old age is to determine its etymological origin. Investigating we discovered that it is found in Latin and more specifically in the word vetus , which can be translated as “old”. Old age is the quality of old (someone of advanced age or something old and that is not new or recent). Old age refers to senescence or senile age . Although there is no exact age at which it can be considered as the beginning of old age, it is often said that a person is old when they exceed 70 years of life . Old age is also linked to the social category known as third age . The members of this group are usually retired (that is, they no longer work and are therefore not part of the economically active population) and, in many cases, have become grandparents . October 1 is when the International Day of the Third Age is celebrated around the world, a state that for centuries has worried and elicited ...


A vehicle is a machine that allows you to move from one place to another. Vehicles can not only transport people , but also animals, plants and any type of object. Etymologically speaking, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from "vehiculum", which can be translated as "means of transport". However, this word in turn is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated parts: the verb "vehere", which is synonymous with "transport", and the suffix "-culum", which is used to indicate an instrument. For example: “We need a vehicle to take the boxes to Pablo's house” , “The criminals were traveling in a dark-colored vehicle, which they parked two blocks from the place” , “The projectile hit a vehicle that was passing near the stadium ” . The cars , the trucks , the trucks , the ATVs and motorcycles are motor vehicles: mobilizing for action of a motor that works with any type of fue...


The Latin term vehementĭa came to Castilian as vehemence . This concept alludes to the property of vehement : that it has a lot of energy , strength , momentum or ardor . For example: "The young man vehemently defended his father, tired of the accusations" , "The Chilean midfielder hit the ball vehemently and scored the third goal for his team" , "I need a manager who vehemently disseminates the values ​​of this company among employees ” . Vehemence can appear in different settings. A person may speak vehemently, using a raised tone of voice or shouting with the intention of emphasizing their ideas or imposing themselves on others in an argument. Suppose a man is angry with his 13-year-old son because he found him smoking despite the fact that he had forbidden such action, explaining the damage that this habit generates. The father vehemently condemns the boy's behavior, details all the negative consequences that smoking can have on his heal...


The Latin word vegetarian came to our language as a vegetarian . It is an adjective that refers to something related to vegetarianism or to one who is adept at this food doctrine. Vegetarianism consists in not ingesting meat of any kind (beef, pork, chicken, fish, etc.): therefore, it limits the diet to foods of plant origin. Vegetarian individuals also tend to protect animals in other contexts (for example, rejecting the use of hides and skins for making clothing). Historians claim that vegetarianism already existed several centuries before Christ . Many people, at that time, were vegetarians since they adhered to the postulates of philosophers and religious that condemned all kinds of violence , including those that cause the death of animals to turn them into objects of consumption. After a time when it lost popularity, vegetarianism re-emerged in the 19th century . At present, there are several branches of vegetarianism according to how strict the diet is . In ge...


The first thing we are going to do is proceed to determine the etymological origin of the term vegetable. In this case, we find that with the fact that it emanates from a Latin word: vegetare , which can be translated as "grow". A vegetable is an organic being that grows and has life although it does not change its place by voluntary impulse . Vegetables, in fact, lack a locomotor system. The term is also used to name everything belonging to or related to plants . Vegetables can synthesize their own food through photosynthesis. They are made up of multicellular organisms (with eukaryotic cells ) and can measure from a few centimeters (like moss) to several meters high (like certain trees). The concept is little used in the scientific field, where it is preferred to speak of plants (a taxon studied by botany, which is a branch of biology ). The use of the notion of vegetable is limited to food and to nutrition or gastronomy. The plant foods include the vegeta...


From the Latin vegetatio , the term vegetation is used to name the group of plants that exist in a certain geographic space. It can be the flora of the land ( native vegetation ) or imported species. The notion of vegetation does not mention any specific taxon. In other words, the vegetation can be composed of plants with different characteristics and in very varied geographical situations. The concept allows to name from virgin forests to wild shrub assemblages or gardens designed by a landscaper. For example: "The vegetation of this province is exuberant" , "I want to go on vacation to a place where there is a lot of vegetation and animals" , "Pollution makes the vegetation of these types of cities increasingly scarce" . It is important to note that vegetation is not only important from a landscape or visual appeal point of view, but is also vital for oxygen generation , soil conservation and the so-called carbon cycle. There are diff...


A vegan is a subject who does not ingest food products of animal origin . Like vegetarians , vegans do not eat meat of any kind (pork, beef, lamb, fish, chicken, etc.) but, unlike ovolacte-vegetarians, they do not consume eggs, dairy, or honey . Veganism, therefore, is part of vegetarianism, which is a larger whole. A person who does not eat meat but does eat cheese, to name one possibility, is vegetarian but not vegan. Instead, all vegans are vegetarians. It is interesting to know that the term veganism dates back to the 1940s. And it was in 1944 when it was coined by the British Donald Watson, who also proceeded to found the Vegan Society. It is about a man who made the aforementioned veganism his philosophy of life from an early age, when he decided that he was not going to take anything that had animal origin, since he had been raised on a farm. There are many approaches or reasons that can lead a person to become vegan. Specifically, you can do it because you have he...


Oversight is the function , work or place of work of the overseer . An overseer, on the other hand, is a person who has the power and responsibility to observe, inspect and control certain matters to determine if they comply with the provisions of the regulations . For example: "The election oversight will be in charge of a committee of international experts" , "The opposition requests that a neighborhood oversight be implemented to control the progress of the works" , "According to the data provided by the oversight, the project cost 100,000 dollars more than what was foreseen in the budget ” . In some countries , there are citizen oversight bodies that are in charge of overseeing that state agencies and public officials comply with their commitments and obligations. These oversight bodies can analyze state expenditures and monitor the progress of the works carried out by a government, to name two possibilities. This type of oversight contr...


Veedor is a term that can be used as an adjective to describe someone who is dedicated to observing, recording or controlling the actions of other people. As a noun, the concept refers to whoever has such activities as a trade . For example: "The mother of the victim requested the presence of an overseer from the International Court of Justice to guarantee the transparency of the process" , "The European Union agreed to send overseers to control the electoral process in the Central American country" , "An observer will evaluate the performance of the referees on each date of the tournament . " The overseers are in charge of monitoring that certain actions are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the regulations . That is why an overseer acts as an inspector, reviewer, inspector or verifier. Throughout history, the oversight functioned in different ways and in different contexts. In the Middle Ages , the veedor was the one who...


A vedette is a dancer , singer, and actress who performs in a music magazine or variety show. He is, in general, the most important figure in the work . As can be guessed from its constitution, the word "star" is of French origin, and in its original language it can be understood as the "star of a work". The vedettes do not always bring together the three talents listed in the previous paragraph: there are many examples of women who were exclusively dedicated to singing, such as Celia Gámez . In the same way, there are men who work as vedettes , so it is not an exclusive role for women. When there are several vedettes in the same show, they are usually numbered according to their importance in the plot: first star , second star , etc. It is important to note that the vedettes are usually accompanied by other dancers, comedians and artists in general. The first star can also be called a super star , and is the artist with the most important role i...


When determining the etymological origin of the term veda we have to go back in time. Specifically, we have to go to Latin because there we discover what word it comes from: vetare , a verb that can be translated as "prohibit by law." Veda is the action and effect of vedar (prohibit something by law or mandate). The term is also used to name the space of time in which hunting and fishing are prohibited (prohibited) . In this sense, the ban is usually applied to avoid the depredation of natural resources and to allow the reproduction (and, therefore, the subsistence) of the animals. For example: "Tomorrow begins the ban on silversides in Lake San Jorge" , "A Chinese ship was accused of violating the ban in US territorial waters" , "Fox hunting is banned in these lands . " Nor should we forget the existence of the non-profit organization called VEDA, Volunteers in Defense of Animals, which has been operating in Bolivia since the 199...


In the field of physics , vectors are quantities that are defined by their quantity, their direction, their point of application and their meaning. Vectors can be classified in different ways according to their characteristics and the context in which they act. Opposite vectors are known as those that have the same direction and the same magnitude , but have opposite directions . According to other definitions, the opposite vectors have the same magnitude but opposite direction because the direction also indicates the direction. The idea of opposite vectors, in short, implies working with two vectors that have the same magnitude (that is, the same module) and the same direction, although with the opposite sense. It can be said that a vector is opposite to another when it has the same magnitude but appears at 180º . In this way, the vector is not only opposite to the other, but it is also its negative . Let us take the case of the vector RS and the vector MN . The ...


Vector is a concept with several meanings. If we focus on the field of physics , we find that a vector is a quantity defined by its sense, its direction, its quantity and its point of application. The adjective coplanar , for its part, is used to describe lines or figures that are in the same plane . It is important to mention, however, that the term is not correct from a grammatical point of view and, therefore, does not appear in the dictionary produced by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). This entity mentions, instead, the word coplanar . The vectors that are part of the same plane, in this way, are coplanar vectors . In contrast, vectors that belong to different planes are called non-coplanar vectors . It is established, therefore, that non-coplanar vectors, as they are not in the same plane, it is essential to go to three axes, to a three-dimensional representation, to expose them. To find out whether the vectors are coplanar or non-coplanar, it is possible t...


The term vector can be used in different ways. In the field of physics , a vector is a quantity that is defined by its point of application, its direction, its sense and its quantity. Coplanar , for its part, is a concept that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). On the other hand, the adjective coplanar does appear , which refers to the figures or lines that are in the same plane . Beyond the fact that the notion is incorrect according to the grammatical rules of our language, the idea of ​​coplanar refers to the points that are in the same plane (that is, they are coplanar points). When the point does not belong to said plane, it is considered not coplanar with respect to the others. The coplanar vectors , therefore, are the vectors that are in the same plane . To determine this question, the operation known as the triple dot product or mixed product is used . When the result of the triple scalar product is equal to 0 , the vectors...


Vector is a concept with several uses. In this case, we are interested in its meaning in the field of physics , which indicates that a vector is a quantity defined by its value, its sense, its direction and its point of application. Concurrent , on the other hand, is that which concurs (that is, that meets or coincides with something else). Vectors can be classified differently according to their characteristics . It is called concurrent vectors those traverse the same point . Due to the fact that, when passing through this point, an angle is created, the concurrent vectors are also called angular vectors. Suppose that two helicopters take off from the same point . One of the aircraft is heading east and the other is heading west. Both helicopters carry out a route that can be represented with a vector; as they have the same point of application, they are concurrent vectors. Take the case of an architect who draws the window of a room. In the plane , to represent the w...


A vector is, in the field of physics , a quantity that is defined through its point of application, its direction, its meaning and its quantity. According to their characteristics and the context in which they operate, you can differentiate between different types of vectors, such as coplanar vectors , the non - coplanar vectors , the opposing vectors , the resulting vectors , the unit vectors and the concurrent vectors , among others. In the case of collinear vectors , these are those that appear on the same line or that are parallel to a certain line. When the relations that maintain their coordinates are equal and the vector product is equivalent to 0 , two vectors are collinear. That is, according to the theory in the area of ​​Geometry, it can be said that two vectors are collinear at the moment that they have the same direction since, in that case, they are directors of parallel lines. Of course, they do not have to have the same meaning necessarily. We can f...


The vectors are, in the field of physics , quantities defined by its point of application, sense, address and value. Depending on the context in which they appear and their characteristics, they are classified in different ways. The idea of ​​a unit vector refers to the vector whose modulus is equal to 1 . It should be remembered that the modulus is the number that matches the length when the vector is represented in a graph. The modulus, in this way, is a rule of mathematics that is applied to the vector that appears in a Euclidean space. Another name by which the unit vector is known is the normalized vector , and it appears very frequently in problems in various fields, from mathematics to computer programming. It is possible to obtain the internal product or scalar product of two unit vectors by finding out the cosine of the angle formed between them. The product of a unit vector by a unit vector, thus, is the scalar projection of one of the vectors on the direction es...


In the context of physics , a vector is the magnitude that is defined by its direction, its point of application, its quantity and its sense. According to their characteristics, it is possible to speak of different classes of vectors. In Latin it is where we can find the etymological origin of this term, which derives, exactly, from “vector - vectoris”, which can be translated as “the one who leads”. The idea resulting vector may appear when performed operation of sum vectors. Using the so-called polygonal method , the vectors to be added must be placed next to each other on a graph, making the origin of each vector coincide with the end of the next vector. The resulting vector is called the vector that has an origin coinciding with the first vector and that ends at the end of the vector located in the last place . VR is the acronym used to refer to the resulting vector that, like the rest of vectors, when analyzed requires that three elements that shape it be taken in...


Vector is a term that derives from a Latin word and means "that leads . " A vector is an agent that transports something from one place to another . Its meaning, however, varies according to the context. A vector can be used to represent a physical quantity , being defined by a module and a direction or orientation. Its geometric expression consists of line segments directed towards a certain side, resembling an arrow . The speed and strength are two examples of vector quantities. Within this scientific field, and also of Mathematics, it is necessary to make it clear that there is a great variety of vectors. In such a way, that we can speak of fixed, parallel, sliding, opposite, concurrent, free or collinear, among many others. In the same way, it should be emphasized that a significant number of operations can be carried out with these elements. Among the most frequent are the sum, the product by a scalar, the obtaining of an ordinary derivative, decompositio...


Neighbor is a term that comes from the Latin vicīnus (which, in turn, comes from vicus and means "neighborhood" or "place" ). The concept is used to name someone who lives with others in the same building , neighborhood or town , although in independent dwellings. That is to say: the members of a family who live in the same house are not neighbors among themselves, but rather are neighbors of the families who reside in neighboring or nearby houses. For example: "I have problems with my neighbor as he listens to music at a very high volume during the night" , "I moved three months ago and I still don't know my neighbors" , "Monica got a girlfriend with her neighbor" , " A group of neighbors appeared before the Justice to denounce the existence of businesses that sell stolen merchandise in the neighborhood ” . The notion of neighbor, therefore, depends on geographical proximity . In a strict sense, neighbors a...


The Latin word vicinĭtas came to Castilian as a neighborhood . The concept refers to the condition of neighbor (one who lives with other people in the same building or city, or that which is close to something else). For example: "The new tenant showed his good neighborliness and invited everyone to eat pizza at his house" , "There are basic neighborhood rules that you have to respect" , "We must take advantage of the neighborhood of both nations" . In some countries , a type of housing is called neighborhood in which many people or families with limited economic resources live in independent units . They generally consist of several houses located around a courtyard or linked by common corridors . According to the region, the neighborhood can also be named as tenement , leasehold or barracks , among other names: "Two days we do not have electricity in the neighborhood ago" , "A fire in a central neighborhood left a toll of ...


Wow is a concept that can be used in different ways. Among its meanings, go is a conjugation of the verb go : "When I go to your house, I will teach you to use the computer" , "Do not let the uncle go: I would like him to stay for dinner tonight" , "When he he leaves the company, maybe I will return ” . The concept of go can also be used as an interjection (a statement that serves as an exclamation or appeal). Go can be prepended to a noun with the intention of exaggerating the positive or negative properties of the word in question. Its effect will depend on the enunciative context and on the intonation: “Did you fall asleep again? What a secretary you have! " , “What a car your mother has given you! You are very lucky " , " What a dinner you have prepared! " . If we take the first of the examples from the previous paragraph, we could replace the word "go" by "The truth is that your secretary is very ineffic...


Watt is a unit of measurement that is part of the International System . The term, synonymous with the English word watt , is used in power measurements and is equivalent to one joule per second . The watt, which has the W as its symbol , pays homage to the British mathematician and engineer James Watt , who was born in 1736 and died in 1819 . Watt was one of the great people in charge of the development of the steam engine. One of the areas of use of the watt as a unit of measurement is the field of electricity . The electrical power of a device can be expressed in watts and, if it is very powerful, in one of its multiples (such as kilowatts or megawatts ). The idea of electrical power refers to the rate of generation or use of energy when carrying out work. If we have an 80-watt light bulb on for sixty minutes , we will have consumed 80 watt-hours . It should be noted that the watt-hour reflects power over time (the amount of energy generated to maintain ...