Wow is a concept that can be used in different ways. Among its meanings, go is a conjugation of the verb go : "When I go to your house, I will teach you to use the computer" , "Do not let the uncle go: I would like him to stay for dinner tonight" , "When he he leaves the company, maybe I will return ” .


The concept of go can also be used as an interjection (a statement that serves as an exclamation or appeal). Go can be prepended to a noun with the intention of exaggerating the positive or negative properties of the word in question. Its effect will depend on the enunciative context and on the intonation: “Did you fall asleep again? What a secretary you have! " , “What a car your mother has given you! You are very lucky " , " What a dinner you have prepared! " .

If we take the first of the examples from the previous paragraph, we could replace the word "go" by "The truth is that your secretary is very inefficient" or "Your secretary does nothing but heat the seat . " On the other hand, the third has a positive connotation : "What a delicious dish you have prepared!" .

The notion, as an interjection, also indicates that something generates satisfaction or bitterness : "With the change of venue of the tournament I will no longer be able to attend, wow!" , "My dad told me he's going to buy me a new video game console, wow!" , "The power went out again, wow!" .

In these cases, the term can be understood in different ways. In the first example, the broadcaster might say "I'm really upset that I can't attend the tournament because of the change of venue!" . The second, for his part, could express his joy by saying "Finally my father will buy me a new video game console!" .

When the interjection is followed by the preposition “with” and by a noun phrase , it allows us to indicate the position –for or against– of the speaker regarding what the phrase designates : “Go with this dog!” , "Wow with the noise!" , “Go with the wind! It won't let me sleep ” .

To continue exploring the wide range of nuances that this word can express, depending on the context in which it is found and the intention that is imprinted on it, let's look at an alternative to each of the previous examples: "This dog doesn't learn anymore!" , "When will they stop making noise ?!" , «This wind is unbearable! It does not allow me to sleep .

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), go can also be used to refer to a disappointment or a mockery that is given or received: "I will give a go to this child . "

WowOn the other hand, it is important to note that "go" has two homophone words , that is, they present differences from an orthographic and semantic point of view but have the same sound. In this case, we are dealing with "fence" and "berry."

A fence is a stockade built to defend a land, a line that is formed with stakes driven into the ground to close or mark a certain site, or a billboard located in the public highway to advertise products or services. To use both concepts at the same time, it would be possible to instruct someone to "go to the fence," for example.

The berries , for their part, are fleshy fruits that have pulp-coated seeds; some of the most common are grapes, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, and tomatoes. This term also serves to refer to plants belonging to the lilaceae family, with radical leaves and bulbous roots.

Since the importance of spelling has declined considerably in recent decades, it is very likely that most children are unaware of the differences between the three terms just mentioned, and this happens in many other cases.


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