The first thing that we are going to do before entering fully into the analysis of the word old age is to determine its etymological origin. Investigating we discovered that it is found in Latin and more specifically in the word vetus , which can be translated as “old”.
Old age is the quality of old (someone of advanced age or something old and that is not new or recent). Old age refers to senescence or senile age . Although there is no exact age at which it can be considered as the beginning of old age, it is often said that a person is old when they exceed 70 years of life .
Old age is also linked to the social category known as third age . The members of this group are usually retired (that is, they no longer work and are therefore not part of the economically active population) and, in many cases, have become grandparents .
October 1 is when the International Day of the Third Age is celebrated around the world, a state that for centuries has worried and elicited comments from the most lucid thinkers of each era. Thus, for example, we find the fact that the famous Greek philosopher Plato showed his uncertainty and "fear" of reaching that stage in one of his most important publications: "The Republic."
The low birth rate and the improvement in life expectancy in many countries have increased the population group of the elderly. The company , therefore, faces the challenge of continuing to offer opportunities for people who find themselves in old age.
Older adults, by not working, need the support of the State to enjoy a good quality of life. In underdeveloped nations, such support is precarious and that is why old age is often synonymous with hardship. It should not be forgotten that with old age there are diseases and physical disorders such as osteoarthritis , osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease .
They often run into a reality that they do not like, that oppresses them and that affects them psychologically. And it is that when they reach old age, at the Third Age, they must face the fact that they lose the role they played in society because they stop working, because they do not have the same physical and mental qualities that they had when they were young because they they may find themselves a bit lost when it comes to facing that present.
For all this, it is necessary for them to heed a series of simple but very useful tips to face this new life stage. Among the most important are the following: accepting changes of all kinds that are experienced, finding activities in which to be able to relate to other people and feel useful, enjoy all those experiences that you have always wanted to do but had never been done ...
This means that the notion of old age is also used to name the ailments and attitudes of the old age. For example: “I forgot where I kept the keys: it must be old age” , “Today my back hurts a lot and I can hardly walk, but I don't complain… they are normal things of old age” .
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