Oversight is the function , work or place of work of the overseer . An overseer, on the other hand, is a person who has the power and responsibility to observe, inspect and control certain matters to determine if they comply with the provisions of the regulations .


For example: "The election oversight will be in charge of a committee of international experts" , "The opposition requests that a neighborhood oversight be implemented to control the progress of the works" , "According to the data provided by the oversight, the project cost 100,000 dollars more than what was foreseen in the budget ” .

In some countries , there are citizen oversight bodies that are in charge of overseeing that state agencies and public officials comply with their commitments and obligations. These oversight bodies can analyze state expenditures and monitor the progress of the works carried out by a government, to name two possibilities.

This type of oversight contributes to social control of what is done by government authorities. Thanks to your action , it is possible to combat corruption and report diversion of funds or illegal deals.

From a formal point of view, we can define citizen oversight as a mechanism that allows inhabitants to participate in the control of compliance with the obligations, functions, competences and commitments of public entities , through certain representatives . Thanks to putting civil society fully active in matters of government procurement and contracting, citizen oversight makes it possible to monitor the processes that public administration agencies carry out, such as public purchases.

A citizen oversight can carry out such surveillance at any of the levels of government, which are the following: Central, Local and Regional. In the same way, it can closely monitor the operation of public companies and all activities that require the use of state funds.

OversightThrough a citizen oversight it is possible to carry out the monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the public acts that are necessary and the fulfillment of certain publications, such as the Annual Procurement and Contracting Plans (represented by the acronym PAAC ) and its selection processes, which is carried out in the so-called Electronic System for Procurement and Contracting ( SEACE ), in addition to closely monitoring the fulfillment of contracts and any other obligations contracted by public entities.

The objectives sought by the activities of a citizen oversight, in summary, are the following:

* make public administration democratic, through the participation of the people in the control of State activities;
* improve the methods of control that society can carry out over the destination of public money;
* fight corruption in a more efficient and thorough way;
* To guarantee to the maximum that the Public Entities operate in accordance with the principles established in the Constitution;
* promote fair and equal treatment for all, the efficiency and transparency of the State and its entities;
* constantly remind the people that government should be based on healthy, participatory and inclusive practices.

Also, in certain nations , oversight agencies operate that have the ability to make suggestions, but are not empowered to make decisions. In these cases, the veedurĂ­as are consultation bodies .

Finally, it should be noted that elections and peace processes are usually controlled by impartial observers: that is, they have no interest in the actions they control. If a government establishes a peace agreement with a rebel group, an international oversight can be formed to control that the parties comply with the agreement.


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