Scion is the tender branch that is born from the flora. The term is also used to name the unit formed by the leaves and the stem.

It is a branching called aerial hypha, tall and thin that often grows above the stem, but in some cases it also extends its roots below the substrate. In short, it is a stem that is born in the trunk of the tree and is capable of engendering a new life independent of it.


The notion of offspring is also used to name the human being who descends from another. This use of the concept is linked, of course, to the growth of the shoots that sprout from the plants. In this way, the children of a person are his offspring, although that denomination is not used frequently. It is an archaic and formal word, more suitable for a play or a book than for everyday conversation. For example: "My offspring have betrayed me and left with my worst enemy" , "I want to leave a good inheritance to my offspring" , "I can't stand your offspring, they are always making noise and messing up the house" ,"We are a respected family: your offspring should understand and act accordingly . "

The term is also used to name the object that, thanks to its shape, serves as a support and support for various pieces, and the bar that is tied to one of the faces of the plunger to allow the mobility of a mechanism.

There are techniques to favor the development of shoots in certain species of trees. A common method is to cut the trunk of a young tree very low, even level with the ground. In the years to come, numerous offshoots will appear and the cycle can be repeated until the forest area increases. The duration of the cycle will depend on the species and the type of cut.

StemIt can be an extremely intelligent resource to achieve reforestation of entire forests from the same plant since a considerable number of shoots could be obtained, without the need for chemical germination processes and having a much greater probability of obtaining success in this work. In many countries of the world, this natural mechanism is used to combat the indiscriminate felling of trees, to reforest large areas after they have been devastated by fires , floods or other natural catastrophes , or even that have been devastated by the human being to commercialize timber.

The Argentine writer Silvina Ocampo wrote a story called "El vástago" and refers to the meaning of the word that has to do with offspring . In this work, extreme situations and the evocation of crazy worlds from the family nucleus are presented as central axes . He explores the possibility that dead people take over the body of other living ones, transmigrating their own soul to that of these individuals; causing in them a resounding change of personality and leading them to perform actions that they would not normally do.

Furthermore, the author tries to go further, by raising the question of whether it is possible to inherit beyond what is strictly genetic; that is, if we can receive a psychic inheritance whose purpose is to continue with what others have started; inheritance from which he could not escape.

Finally, it should be clarified that although this term is often confused with that of bastard, there is a great difference between the two. While this, as we have already said, refers to any natural child that an individual has; the second is a concept that is related to children born to relationships outside marriage or who are not socially accepted. For example, Enrique FitzRoy was the bastard son of Enrique VIII, born of his relationship with Isabel Blount.


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