From the English yard, yard is the basic unit of length in the measurement systems used in the United States and the United Kingdom . One yard equals 0.914 meters, 3 feet, 36 inches, 0.00018 leagues, and 0.00056 miles.

It is interesting to know that at the international level there are four different types of yards. Thus, for example, there is the American yard, which is equivalent to 0.914401 meters; the English official yard, which is variable; the American industrial yard, which corresponds to 0.9144 meters, and the English unofficial yard which is equal to 0.9143 meters.

In the rest of the world, this measure is not usually used, although in some cases it is maintained given its deep-rooted use in North American or British lands. That's the case in American football, where the yard plays a central role in the rules.

The objective of the attacking team is to achieve a touchdown (a score worth six points) or a field goal (three points). To achieve this, the squad must advance partialities of at least ten yards in a maximum of four attempts ( downs ). Every ten yards traveled, the team accesses the right to another four opportunities to regain ten yards to get closer to the touchdown area.

As is evident, it could be said that American football consists of advancing distances of 9.14 meters, which would be the equivalent of 10 yards. However, the original term remains.

It should not be overlooked that both the professionals of this sport and its fans have a publication that is of great interest to them in order to know everything that happens in this sector. Specifically, we are referring to "25 yards", a digital magazine from Argentina that reports on matches, signings and interesting events related to this sporting discipline. However, it also accounts for a wide variety of sports such as basketball or soccer.

In the textile field, the term yard is also used. Specifically, reference is made to the yard of fabric to refer to the piece of fabric that measures 0.91 meters. In many countries, stores of this type of product use the aforementioned measure as a basis for making the cuts that their customers request.

The yard is also a measure or type of glass used to drink beer, equivalent to three pints (each pint equals about 556 milliliters). The glass is very long and widens in its mouth, and is often attached to a wooden stand to prevent it from tipping over.

However, we cannot ignore the fact that the size of the beer yard varies from one bar to another. Thus, especially in the United Kingdom there are places that offer one with a capacity of 1.7 liters while in others, especially in restaurants, it is a little less and comes with 1.2 liters.

It's common for certain bars to host yardage drinking competitions, both endurance and speed. It should not be forgotten, however, that excessive drinking is detrimental to health.


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