The verb zampar comes from the onomatopoeia “zamp” . The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes almost a dozen meanings of the term.

The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to drinking or eating in an accelerated way and / or in excess . For example: "I'm so hungry that as soon as I get home I'm going to eat a whole pizza" , "How can you eat a liter of beer with hardly any breath? It is obvious that you are going to like it ” , “ I plan to sit in the tavern and eat until they throw me out of the place ”.

The act of eating is associated with gluttony or gluttony. Whoever eats food eagerly .

Zampar also refers to apply, tip or download. The notion is used above all when something is thrown or thrown with violence : "You don't have to take a hit at a working machine, it's a matter of using your head and reasoning" , "The donkey kicked me as soon as I got close" , "Slamming a stone is never a good option . "

Hermenegildo Zampar, on the other hand, is an Argentine dressmaker and designer. He has written several books on molding and the history of fashion and also runs a training center that bears his name.

The Hermenegildo Zampar Higher Institute of Clothing has five offices in Córdoba , five in Buenos Aires , two in Tierra del Fuego, two in Santa Fe, one in Chubut and one in Santa Cruz . It is also present in Bolivia with facilities in La Paz and Cochabamba . It also offers distance courses .


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