A section of a surface or a piece of land is called a zone . Tourist , on the other hand, is an adjective that refers to what is linked to tourism (the activity carried out by a person when they travel to a place other than their residence and spend the night in that place).

A tourist area, in this way, is a space that, due to its attractions, attracts a large number of visitors. An area can become touristy due to its natural beauty , its leisure infrastructure, its historical buildings or its offer of events, to name a few possibilities.

It is possible to differentiate between a residential area and a tourist area. While in the former private homes predominate, in the tourist area there are usually hotels, restaurants and other establishments for leisure and rest. You can also distinguish between a tourist area and an industrial area, where factories abound.

In a large city, it is common for tourist areas, residential areas and industrial areas to coexist. In a locality X, its geographical center may house a historic center that in turn has become a tourist area. Most of the stable inhabitants reside in the eastern sector (residential zone), while in the western sector there is a high concentration of industries (industrial zone).

All this shows us that each tourist area can offer unique opportunities, or very different from the others, since the number of activities that are generally associated with tourism is very high. Although the common custom to most of these spaces is to take photographs to take a souvenir of the landscapes and monuments visited during the trip, there are much more active ways to get involved with a tourist area.

The diving is perhaps one of the most popular disciplines in holiday destinations with beautiful beaches. On the one hand, there are tourists who have experience as divers and seek these cities with the specific objective of immersing themselves in new waters; But there is also a large percentage of people for whom diving is an experience they have been craving for years and take advantage of their free time on vacations to take the first step.

On the other hand is cycling, which requires less skill than diving and is therefore suitable for a larger number of people. This does not mean that everyone can cope with the energy and coordination demands of traveling "natural" roads, traversing relatively rocky stretches and facing potential rain, or stepping over puddles without losing balance and collapsing in the middle of the journey; however, fear of water is a limitation that prevents many from enjoying swimming, even if they are in the necessary physical condition.

The expeditions are perhaps a midpoint between compulsive photograph while walking disoriented by a tourist area and adrenaline of an extreme sport: While there are activities such as whale watching also require a certain degree of physical exertion, in this case to row There are other more passive ones that focus on a more theoretical approach to the richness of the place.

As can be seen, tourist areas often offer activities that combine the natural beauty of local landscapes with tours that require the supervision of a guide or an instructor, so that tourists understand that they cannot venture on their own, and that they feel the need to invest your money to fully enjoy the experiences and have the help of expert people.

The Rivera Maya is an example of a tourist area. It is a strip of about 130 kilometers long that is located next to the Caribbean Sea , in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo . Towns such as Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Akumal are part of this tourist area.


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