A zone is the sector of a surface, a terrain or a place, whether physical or symbolic. Security, on the other hand, is the condition of that which is safe (free of risks or dangers).

The idea of a security zone can be used to name the territorial space that is determined temporarily to provide protection to the civilian population in the context of a warlike conflict. This security zone facilitates the distribution of humanitarian aid and also allows the inhabitants of the region to be safe from bombardments and military attacks.

The security zones - recognized by international law - are established and controlled by the United Nations ( UN ) as part of its peace operations. In order for them to fulfill their mission, these zones must be respected by all sides in conflict.

The security zone takes on special relevance when it comes to holding concerts and shows with similar characteristics to which many thousands of citizens attend. Specifically, when these are going to be developed, it is necessary for a specialized team to proceed to create a security and emergency plan.

This plan, among many other things, will determine and delimit the so-called security zones, from the one reserved for people with disabilities to the emergency, the first-aid or the eviction of the injured.

In Argentina, on the other hand, security zones are known as spaces close to the borders that are considered key to the interests of the nation. People who do not have Argentine nationality, for example, cannot acquire land in a security zone.

If we focus on computing, the notion of security zone is used by the Internet Explorer browser to distinguish between servers and computers (computers) to which a computer is connected. The program allows to differentiate between an Internet Zone, a Local Intranet Zone, a Restricted Site Zone and a Trusted Site Zone.

No podemos pasar por alto que, dentro del ámbito de la Medicina, existe lo que se conoce como zona de seguridad de Ramsey. Este es un término que se emplea para referirse al ángulo de movimiento que se considera que tiene la cadera sin que pueda sufrir ningún daño. En concreto, se emplea, sobre todo, en casos de displasia evolutiva de la cadera.

In the field of psychology there is also what is known as a safety or comfort zone. It is a term that is used to refer to that state in which a person is when they feel safe, comfortable, comfortable and calm. Under the umbrella of that name, actions such as going to work following the same route, meeting the same people, not introducing notable changes in life can be found ... It is considered that when someone is outside that safety zone, they will feel insecure and full of fears.


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