Juice is a term that made a long etymological journey until it reached our language. Its origin is in the Greek language and from there it went to Arabic as zūm. Later, in Hispanic Arabic, it became zum.

Juice is the name of the juice obtained by squeezing , crushing or crushing a fruit , a flower or a leaf . It is, therefore, a liquid . For example: “I like to have orange juice for breakfast with some cereal biscuits” , “Before serving the fish, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice and add some spices” , “My uncle usually drinks tomato juice, but I don't I like it ” .

The usual thing is that the juice is obtained from some pressure mechanism. In any case, different previous processes can be carried out, such as cooking. But juice is what is achieved by pressing the product in question in a certain way.

Juices are highly valued for the vitamins they provide. It is important to bear in mind that these vitamins are lost over time: that is why it is best to drink the juice as soon as the fruit has been squeezed. At the home level, the juicing process can be done manually, with a juicer or through a blender or processing machine.

Certain fruits, such as grapefruits and oranges, can be squeezed very easily, offering plenty of juice quickly. Others, like pears and apples, are harder and require the help of a machine to extract the juice.

Beyond fresh juice, you can buy juice marketed in cartons or bottles. Various substances are added to these juices to promote their preservation and to improve their aroma and color.

Benefits of orange juice

It is known that nature offers us a myriad of healing properties in its plants, flowers and fruits, with which it is enough to eat a varied and balanced vegetarian diet to enjoy iron health. Before spending large sums on medications that often bring us more problems than they solve, it is important to learn about the benefits of natural products.

Orange is a relatively inexpensive fruit and extracting its juice is very simple, especially if we have a juicer. In other words, it is not a product that few people can access; However, it has a large number of benefits for our health, such as the following:

* Collaborates with the regulation of the functioning of the digestive system, as indicated by certain studies focused on the effects of orange juice on the stomach;

* It is used to treat cases of gastroduodenal ulcers and gastritis, especially if patients consume the juice between meals, as this reduces excess acidity in the stomach;

* For people with liver problems, orange juice can be a great complement to avoid phenomena such as fermentation of food, distension of the abdomen and indigestion;

* Helps cleanse the blood, thanks to its important alkalizing properties. In other words, it serves to improve the dissolution of acids, and this prevents stones from forming in the kidneys;

* Orange juice is also beneficial for patients with arthritis or gout, which occurs when uric acid is located in the joints and can cause excruciating pain;

* Collaborates with the regulation of excess sugar typical of type II diabetes, largely thanks to its diuretic properties. Vitamin C, which is abundant in orange juice, is also of great help against this disease, especially to deal with potential infections, vision problems or poor healing.


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