A word from classical Arabic came to Hispanic Arabic as istawan and then to our language as a hallway. A word, the first of those mentioned, which in turn came from an Arabic word, which could be pronounced as "asitoan" and which means "corridor".

It is a space present in some homes, which is located next to the door and is crossed when entering the house.

The hallway is a covered sector (roof) that functions as a lobby . It is not used as a room, but serves to receive those who come to the house or as a passage area.

With the current meaning it is established that it began to be used in the 16th century and, above all, it was and is very common in Andalusian houses. Although it exists in many homes around the world, the truth is that in the homes of that autonomous community it almost becomes a compulsory stay.

And it does not only exist in private homes but also in important historical buildings such as the Alhambra in Granada. Specifically, it is established that one of the most significant buildings, the Palacio de Carlos V, has several hallways that, in recent years, have been rehabilitated.

It can be said, therefore, that the hall is a hall . Suppose a postman arrives at a house to deliver a parcel. When he knocks on the door, he is greeted by the owner of the house, who attends him in the hallway. In this way, without entering the rest of the house, the postman accesses the hall, where he delivers the box to the person. The two talk for a few minutes and then the postman leaves, going through the door again to return to the street.

Among the decorative and functional elements that can be part of a hallway, you can find paintings, mirrors, umbrella stands, coat racks and vases, to name a few options. In some cases, a chair or bench is also included so that the visitor can wait comfortably if necessary.

Many times the hall is associated with privacy : the space implies the entrance to the private life of a person or a family. Accessing the hall is the first step to enter a home; once in the hallway, there are not too many barriers or architectural limitations to go to a bedroom, for example.

Likewise, we cannot ignore the existence of a rock band precisely from Andalusia called Zaguán. It is specifically about a Sevillian group that originated in 1997 and that precisely "drinks" from the airs of struggle and freedom of Andalusian rock from the 70s.

Miguel Ángel Gómez is the vocalist of this group, which has become a benchmark within the aforementioned musical genre in his region. He has achieved this thanks to several quality albums, among which are "Raíces", "Zaguán" or "Witness of time".

Gori Mazo, Rafael Carrique, Alfonso Vidal de Torres and Armando Gómez are the other members of this group.


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