When it comes to establishing the meaning of the term anxiety, it is necessary for us to know, first of all, its etymological origin. And that supposes that we know that it is a word that derives from Latin and that it can be translated as "sinking".

It is called anxiety to the act and the result of capsizing . This verb, on the other hand, can be used with reference to shipwreck, collapse, lose, fail or to feel insecure due to uncertainty.

For example: "The case of corruption involving four ministers put the national government on edge" , "The Mexican company reported that its oil rig is at risk of capsizing due to an explosion" , "After the boxer's fall, there were moments of he worries in the stadium, but fortunately the fighter managed to recover ” .

In the maritime field , the state of the wind or the ocean that puts vessels at risk is called distress , according to what is stated by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary. A ship capsizes, by extension, when it is tilted or capsized by gusts and waves.

When any boat capsizes, what can happen is that it ends up sinking, thus endangering the lives of those who travel aboard it, or that what it does is dump the contents it has. Both cases occur periodically around the world.

A good example of the first case would be the distress that led to a boat with 33 people having to be rescued in the Puerto de Plata area. In the second case, we come across situations such as the capsizing of the ship Oleg Naydenov in the area of ​​the Canary Islands.

In colloquial language, the idea of anxiety is used to name the restlessness , anguish and nervousness that is experienced in certain situations or conflicts. Suppose a man walks down the street with his wife when, for no apparent reason, the woman faints and falls to the ground without reaction. Desperate, the subject takes her to a hospital. While a doctor examines her, the man has moments of anxiety: he is worried and scared to know what happened to his wife. Finally, the professional informs him that his wife's blood pressure has dropped and that she is already recovering. Upon receiving this information, the individual calms down and leaves the state of anxiety.

Within the cultural sphere, we have to point out that we have numerous types of different works that use the term we are dealing with in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of "Histories of the distress", by the writer Nuria Gómez Benet, made up of a total of ten stories or stories.

These stories come to address situations that turn out to be painful, complicated and difficult for its protagonists such as madness, passion, love, the loss of a loved one, longing, the impossibility of achieving dreams ...

That without forgetting the work “Zozobras completa” by Javier Krahe, author of other works such as “Talks with a mocking vague” and collaborator of Joaquín Sabina.


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