Yema is a concept that comes from the Latin word gemma . The term is used in different ways depending on the context. One of its most common meanings is linked to one of the components of the egg that vertebrate animals generate, which has a yellowish color and is surrounded by the white.

The egg yolk is made up of the yolk and the germ disc. In this disc the cell nucleus is found in the stage prior to fertilization: if this occurs, the embryo develops there . Yolk, on the other hand, is home to various nutrients. It should be noted that the yolk and the white are separated by the yolk membrane.

Eggs, especially chicken eggs, have always been very popular foods. The yolks have vitamins A,B and D, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron and other nutrients. They can be consumed in different ways, even separated from the white in certain recipes.

But human beings do not always appropriate animals and plants for their subsistence, but tend to use them as products to satisfy all their whims. In the specific case of egg yolk, it is known that until the middle of the 19th century and since ancient times it was used as an emulsifier for the creation of tempera or tempera paints.

The use of egg yolk in this area requires a mixing process in which the previously powdered or ground pigments must be included (to achieve the blue color, for example, they used to use cobalt oxide) until the tone is achieved. wanted. Unlike today's industrial products, which are sold properly preserved for durability, this paint had to be used immediately.

In the field of botany, the bud is known as the embryonic bud from which, over time, new flowers, leaves and branches emerge. It can be said that it is an organ that has cells capable of dividing.

The buds of the plants are made up of meristem: the tissue formed by the cells that favor the development of the plant. According to their characteristics, the buds can be classified in different ways.

The scaly bud (protected by scales), the hairy bud (covered by hairs ), the axillary bud (located in an axil of the leaf), the terminal bud (located at the end of a branch) and the reproductive bud (which has embryonic flowers) are some of the kinds of buds.

This term is also used to give a name to the tips of the fingers of our hands, especially the part that is opposite the nail, that is, the one that is on the same side as the palm. The fingertips is a particularly sensitive part, and for that reason any injury in this area is suffered more than in others; in the case of a cut, for example, the bleeding is very profuse.

But the sensitivity that we have in the fingertips is far from being a negative aspect, since it also helps us to recognize surfaces through touch and to protect ourselves from certain objects that are dangerous to our physical integrity, something that happens when we come into contact with sharp points or surfaces that are too hot, among many other cases.

In modern life, the fingertip has a very important function for social organization, since it is in this part of the body where our fingerprints are found, the only feature that we must leave printed on our identity documents so that no one can impersonate us. The resolution of a police investigation, on the other hand, may depend on the finding of these fingerprints at a crime scene.


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